New hope for leaky gut sufferers: Spore-based probiotics found to improve gastrointestinal health

A study that was published in the PubMed-listed World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology showed that spore-based probiotic supplementation may be the answer to alleviating the symptoms of “leaky gut syndrome”.

We set out to create a product that could be a foundational part of everyone’s daily wellness regimen, and this pursuit has led to redefining what a probiotic is and what it can do for the overall health. We looked beyond the conventional views on how to formulate a probiotic product, and leaned on the latest science on the microbiome and clues from nature to provide us with guidance on formulating a revolutionary product,” said Park Ridge, Illinois-based vitamin and supplements store Just Thrive Probiotic microbiologist and chief science officer Kiran Krishnan said.

How the researchers came to their conclusions

Twenty-eight men and women – all of whom had endotoxin concentrations that increased by at least five-fold from pre-meal levels five hours after a meal – participated in the clinical trial. They were randomly assigned to receive either a placebo (rice flour) or a supplement that had four billion colony-forming units of Bacillus indicus, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus coagulans, Bacillus licheniformis, and Bacillus clausii for 30 days.

According to the results of the experiment, the probiotic brought about a 42 percent decrease in endotoxin levels, a 24 percent decrease in triglyceride levels, while endotoxin levels rose by 36 percent in the placebo group and triglycerides fell by five percent.

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Further, we found that several of our exploratory biomarkers [of inflammation and immune activation] were either significantly reduced or trended toward reduction, with spore-based probiotic supplementation. It is reasonable to speculate that the spore-based probiotic supplement may have exerted its effect by altering the gut microbial profile, altering intestinal permeability, or a combination of the two effects,” the researchers said.

Leaky gut syndrome, which is more popularly known as “intestinal permeability”, can result in health problems such as fatigue, malabsorption of nutrients, autoimmune diseases, inflammatory skin issues, food sensitivities (especially to dairy and gluten), joint pain, thyroid problems, anxiety, sinus and rheumatoid problems, and constipation, among others.

It’s important that a person suffering from such an ailment receives instant remedy. The problem with that, however, is that traditional physicians do not have prior medical knowledge when it comes to treating this condition, as the disease is fairly new.

Turning to supplements, on the other hand, can be equally problematic, as there are a lot out there in the market that seems to address this condition, but fall on their promises. (Related: BCAA muscle-building supplements found useless when taken alone, study finds.)

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