See what these three doctors believe should be done for kids who think they’re transgender

One of the Left’s latest “social justice” campaigns is to convince as many kids as possible they’re not really the gender that they were born with, and that as such, they should defy their own DNA and biology.

But it’s not proper for kids to be burdened with this politically motivated attack on their mental health, according to three doctors who specialize in pediatrics, psychiatry and biology.

In a panel discussion hosted recently by the Heritage Foundation – a conservative think tank – the doctors said that there is an over-reliance on feelings over facts “when it comes to studying and treating children who think they’re transgender,” The Daily Signal reported.

Drs. Michelle Cretella, Paul Hruz, and Allan Josephson had much to say about the issue, and explained what they believe ought to be done for kids who have likely been convinced to believe in what is now termed “gender dysphoria.”

Cretella, who is president of the Gainesville, Fla.-based American College of Pediatricians, noted that biological sex cannot be “assigned.” Rather it “imprinted by our DNA at the moment of conception, and it’s [in] every single cell in our bodies.”

It all comes down to chromosomes: If you have the Y chromosome, you’re male; if you do not, well, then, you’re a female. Period. (Related: Transgender characters now being placed in TV shows to indoctrinate public to “normalcy” of trans children, scientists confirm.)

That’s science, by the way.

“Thoughts and feelings are not hard-wired before birth,” Cretella said. “They develop over time.” What’s more, there isn’t a scientific test or biological confirmation that reinforces someone’s “chosen” gender.

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Cretella said during the panel discussion that a decade ago she had a patient she called “Andy” who said he was transgender. “Between the ages of 3 and 5, little Andy increasingly played with girl toys. Stereotypical girl toys. He really made friends easier with girls, and he started telling his parents, ‘Mommy, Daddy, I am a girl.’”

She referred the boy’s parents to a therapist, who examined the family dynamics behind Andy’s claim.

During a session, Cretella explained that there was a “breakthrough.”

“Andy had a truck and a Barbie. He put the truck down, he looked up at his parents, and said, ‘Mommy, Daddy. you don’t love me when I’m a boy.’ Now the therapist had something to work with.”

Apparently, Andy had a sister with special needs when he was 3 years old, and his parents gave her more attention – naturally – leading Andy to believe that if he were a girl, he too would get the same level of attention.

Professor Josephson, who is a division chief of child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of Louisville in Kentucky, said that the current transgender movement is “a social-cultural-psychological phenomenon,” one that he added is a “neglectful phenomenon, neglecting the developmental needs of children.”

He noted that young kids do not have the ability to make choices regarding their sexual identity, just as they don’t have the capacity to drive a vehicle or make the choice about when to go to bed. It’s the parents’ job to help kids learn these things as they develop. (Related: Deranged transgender leftists hold monthly occultist “curse sessions” to try to destroy Trump using supernatural forces)

Hruz, who is an associate professor of pediatrics, endocrinology, cell biology, and physiology at Washington University in St. Louis, said that psychological issues facing transgender people include depression and anxiety, often leading to bad outcomes like substance abuse.

“These children that have a gender identity that does not align with their sexes are truly suffering,” he noted.

The Daily Signal noted further:

Hruz said guidelines on how to treat transgender patients emerged from the Netherlands and were introduced into the U.S. about 10 years ago. Before then, transgender identity was considered a psychological condition. Now, doctors consider using puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones on patients suffering from gender dysphoria.

Cretella raised the issue of the dangers of puberty-blocking drugs that work to counteract hormones allowing young people to develop normal puberty traits like breasts and deeper voices.

Other health professionals have suggested that children who think they are the opposite sex may simply be suffering from hormonal imbalances, something that can be confirmed by a simple blood test. Left-wing transgender advocates deny that, but then they fail to explain why it takes hormone replacement therapy to ‘officially’ change genders, critics point out.

J.D. Heyes is also editor-in-chief of The National Sentinel.

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